
Questions and answers

  • What is the application process at Bär & Karrer?

    We place great importance on doing things efficiently. This is why we have created a quick and transparent application process. We only accept applications submitted via our online application tool. This is so we can see all your application documents at a glance, allowing us to react quickly. Please note that we do not consider applications that are not submitted via our online tool.

    Our interviews are informal conversations – a relaxed atmosphere where we can get to know you better and where you can ask any questions that you may have. We are impressed by applicants who are competent, authentic and open.

  • Who is my contact person during the recruitment process?

    You can find the relevant contact person in each job description. If you have general questions about the recruitment process, you may contact our HR department at any time here.

  • What should I include in my application?

    Please include only the most important and relevant documents for the position you are applying to. Every application must include a strong covering letter, a CV with your photo, academic records that show your grades, certificates and all previous letters of reference from employers.

    The following formats are accepted: jpeg, jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx. Important note: Documents cannot exceed 15 MB.

  • How do I know if a posted vacancy is still open?

    All of the jobs posted in our portal are up to date. If a vacancy is posted, you are welcome to apply.

  • Can I submit an unsolicited application?

    If you can’t find a current vacancy that matches your profile, you are welcome to submit an unsolicited application. Please include which office and department you’d like to work in along with your desired starting date.

  • When can I expect feedback on my application?

    Once you have successfully submitted your application via our tool, you will receive a confirmation via email. You will most likely receive feedback within two weeks. We will inform you immediately once there is an update.

  • Which language should my application be in?

    You may submit documents in German or English. If you are interested in working in our Geneva or Lugano office, you may of course apply in French or Italian.

  • How important are my grade to my application?

    While we want employees with very strong academic records, this is not our sole criterion. It is important that you show us that you would be a good match for Bär & Karrer. We also believe that your personal interests are an important part of your application.

  • May I re-apply after receiving a rejection?

    If there is a position that matches your qualifications and requirements, we of course welcome you to re-apply after receiving a rejection.

  • Do you offer an onboarding programme?

    Yes, we offer a tailored, multi-day onboarding programme in order to give you a smooth start in your new role.

  • Can I apply with a foreign bar admission?

    Yes, there are roles that are suitable for lawyers with a foreign legal license. This highly depends on the area of specialisation. Roles that do not require admission to the Swiss bar will be marked on our job portal as being open to foreign lawyers.

    If you would like more information on this point, feel free to get in touch with our HR department.

  • How long will my data be saved?

    Your application dossier will be stored in our system for the legally stipulated period of six months. After six months your data will be deleted automatically.

  • I am from a recruiting agency. Can I submit applications on behalf of my candidates?

    We do not work with recruitment or staffing agencies. For this reason our application tool does not offer the option for recruiters to submit applications.

  • I am a student trainee. Can I also do a short internship for you outside of the semester break?

    We have student trainees on our team all year round. We teach them our processes and involve them in ongoing cases. This gives trainees the opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and to make valuable contacts. In order to be considered for an internship, you need to have already completed your sixth semester by the time the internship begins. A bachelor’s degree is not necessary.

  • Do I need to do any special preperation for the interview?

    No. However, it is always a good idea to thoroughly inform yourself about the company and the open position. We recommend that you prepare in this way. Be prepared to ask us questions about your future work, company processes, the team, etc. We also want to be a good fit for our applicants so that we can attract motivated employees to our company.

Our incomparable corporate culture is characterized by a team spirit that is second to none, as well as by an innovative work environment. The outstanding team spirit at Bär & Karrer is a fundamental cornerstone of this culture and significantly contributes to the success of our company.

Raoul Stocker, Managing Partner Human Resources

Our incomparable corporate culture is characterized by a team spirit that is second to none, as well as by an innovative work environment. The outstanding team spirit at Bär & Karrer is a fundamental cornerstone of this culture and significantly contributes to the success of our company.

Raoul Stocker, Managing Partner Human Resources

Our incomparable corporate culture is characterized by a team spirit that is second to none, as well as by an innovative work environment. The outstanding team spirit at Bär & Karrer is a fundamental cornerstone of this culture and significantly contributes to the success of our company.

Raoul Stocker, Managing Partner Human Resources